We are direct manufacturer, our business base on the hope to best satisfy your expectation so we can do anything to make you feel happy

Case one: You saw our ads with a Jewelry and gift card:

Step 1:
Customize your product

Step 2:
Place your order

Step 3:
We prepare your order

Step 4:
We ship your order

Step 5:
We send your order tracking number

Step 6:
You get your Jewelry


You can take any jewelry and any message card or ask us to make a personal dedicated card for you. If you want to engrave anything on the jewelry, feel free to write in the note box. Then you will have a jewelry with the message card you like 

It normally takes 2 days for handling your requirements (additional personalized production beside regular jewelry, quality check, design card and printing) and packaging your jewelry. It might takes 3 business days during busy season from November to December.

Please join the live chat with our support in case you can not see any solution.